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A member registered Jul 07, 2022

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hello, how long does a pregnancy last?

I will give that a try. Thank You very much for the reply

it's not letting me download the game. plus showing a ( ? ) at the end of Disk Space Required

i get out of range of valid values. how do i get beyond or passed it.

hello, it's been a long while since I've tries this game. But unfortunately I still can't get into the greenhouse nor go pass my original conversation with Gerarlt. Was a good game otherwise. Have a good day 

do you get more points for your stats at each lvl. Because i can't figure it out   thank you

Hello, Has anyone experienced/ has an answer for: The Chrystal is now gone, say get book from Dux but i already got my book from him, plus it says talk to Gerdalt but i have already talked with him, plus greenhouse is locked. Just currently stuck and didn't know if i was missing something. Thank You Playing on PC

I agree with silverxrzz, there are actually a couple of these games that have good potential. It's unfortunate the work couldn't be completed : (

Great work on the game. Excellent game and can't wait for next chapter.  Just wish there was more diverse ethnicity in the men plus more diverse/different body types/builds. : )

can't figure out how to enter sewers and having a problem locating Briggs and Cotton I think, thank You

I did rob the Father at the Cathedral for Minerva but it's saying I didn't

Thank you so much for your kindness. Have a great day.

Hello, just very recently started playing Lustful Desires. Even though there aren't any voice actors I am still enjoying the game so far, just not a fan of reading lol. My question is: The game says I leveled up but I've noticed that my stats don't raise, is that normal? Thank You